Thursday, December 17, 2015

Privatizing Federal Programs and Goals

speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on Februar...
speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on February 10, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is becoming obvious to everyone that government will not fix government. We've elected all the politicians you can elect and nothing gets done that returns power to the people and reduces the size of the federal government.

Donald Trump is the final step in the process were everyone has given up on politicians and wants someone that will make a change. But he needs assistance for sure in the realization that more government is not the fix for government. More private enterprise and the motivation of profit is the only thing that will reverse all the issues that we face today.

I would like to examine one problem in society and how privatization could be the best possible cure. But lets all brainstorm through every issue and come up with solid plans to create private business that can profit by fixing what needs to be fixed. Including tax law, federal budgets, term limits, protection of the constitution, education, crime, violence, drugs, illegal aliens, regulation, financial stability, etc. For too long we have depended on the government. Lets get smart and creative and build systems that reward private businesses to fix all these issues and remove government from almost every role.

With drug addiction I think we could make three new enterprises or the expansion of current enterprises that would help to solve drug addiction.

1. The creation and maintenance of a national rating system developed in sprints by different technology firms to enroll, authorize, monitor, rate, and reward private companies that are working with individuals to end drug addiction. (This is already done for many different services in the private sector)

2. Private companies across the nation that find, market to, or are assigned drug addicted individuals that they work with through proven methods to reduce and eliminate their dependence. These companies would be rated by the drug addicted individuals and/or the families of the drug addicts. Drug testing would be performed on a regular basis and rewards would be given to each organization based upon their success. Companies with poor ratings would naturally be avoided by everyone and the ones with the best outcomes and ratings would be sought after. Rewards could continued for years for each individual so relapses would not be profitable for the companies.

3. Third party review companies (not government bodies) that would also be accepted, rated, and rewarded within the digital rating system. Their job would be to verify that the companies performing the care for the addicted individuals are actually getting the results that they say they are achieving. The providers would need to be audited by at least two different review companies before being rewarded for each individual. The auditing companies would be rewarded for their reviews.

The reward money would come from the federal government. Which would shut down every department that is currently fighting the war of drugs at the individual level and use a portion of that money instead on this completely private network of new small businesses.

This program doesn't have to be implemented at the federal level first. A state, a city or a small town that is receiving money to fight drug addiction can implement this plan and the results can become a best practice case study to be followed by other governments.

So what do you think of this federal government to private  company example? What conservative goal do you have that could be achieved by taking money and power away from big government and creating hundreds of small companies across the country that enrich communities and families?